Volume 2, Issue 2 (2-2016)                   J Jiroft Univ Med Sci 2016, 2(2): 31-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Ashoori J. The Relationship Emotional Intelligence, Coping Strategies and Life Satisfaction with Mental Health in Nursing Students. J Jiroft Univ Med Sci 2016; 2 (2) :31-37
URL: http://journal.jmu.ac.ir/article-1-83-en.html
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. , Jamal_ashoori@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4163 Views)

Introduction: Psychological constructs of emotional intelligence, coping strategies and life satisfaction play an important role in mental health. This research aimed to investigate the share of emotional intelligence, coping strategies and life satisfaction on mental health in nursing students.

Methods: This is a descriptive analytical study of correlation type. The statistical population of this research was all nursing students of Islamic Azad University of Varamin-Pishva branch in 2014-15 academic years. Totally 180 students (104 girls and 76 boys) were selected using stratifies randomly sampling method. All of them completed the questionnaires of emotional intelligence, coping strategies, life satisfaction and mental health. The data were analyzed with using the SPSS-19 software and by method of Pearson correlation and multivariateregression with stepwise model.

Results: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence, problem solving strategy and satisfaction of past life, present life and future life with mental health.Problem solving strategy, satisfaction of present life and emotional intelligence in one predicted model predicted 31 percent of variance of mental health. The share of problem solving strategy in prediction mental health was over of other variables(P<0/01).

Conclusion: According to the findings, problem solving strategy, satisfaction of present life and emotional intelligence was the most important predictor of mental health. Therefore, therapists and counselors regarded to the symptoms of mention variables and based those design appropriate programs for promote mental health in nursing students.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Coping strategies, Life satisfaction, Mentalhealth, Nursing students

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical Sciences / Psychiatry
Received: 2016/04/4 | Accepted: 2016/08/21 | Published: 2016/09/21

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