Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)                   J Jiroft Univ Med Sci 2024, 11(2): 1532-1543 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari S, Cheragh Birjandi S, Rezaeian N, Rezaei V. Investigating the Effect of Obesity and Different Trainings on the Expression of Irisin, Uncoupled Protein Type 1 (UCP-1) and Beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid (BAIBA) Genes in Adipose Tissue of Male Wistar Rats. J Jiroft Univ Med Sci 2024; 11 (2) :1532-1543
URL: http://journal.jmu.ac.ir/article-1-782-en.html
1- Ph.D Candidate, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran , s_birjandi2001@yahoo.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
Abstract:   (512 Views)
Introduction: Obesity is an obstacle to health and the cause of many diseases; physical activity can improve these conditions to some extent. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of obesity and subsequent training on the factors involved in the browning of adipose tissue in male rats.
Materials and Methods: 30 healthy male Wistar rats were fed high-fat diet and six (ND) were fed normal diet for eight weeks. After eight weeks, six mice fed high fat diet (HFD) and six mice fed normal diet (ND) were sacrificed . 24 obese mice were divided into four groups of six including obese control group (OC), resistance training group (RT), endurance training group (ET), and high intensity interval training (HIIT) group.  They practiced five sessions per week for eight weeks. Real Time-PCR method was used to measure irisin, UCP-1 and BAIBA gene expression. The statistical method of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post hoc test was used to determine the difference between groups at a significance level of p≤0.05.
Results: The results showed that obesity caused a significant decrease in the expression of irisin, UCP-1 and BAIBA genes in the adipose tissue of male rats (p<0.05) and subsequently resistance, endurance and intense interval training caused a significant increase in the expression of the mentioned genes compared to the control group became obese (p<0.05). Also, a significant increase in the expression of irisin and UCP-1 genes was observed in the intense interval training group compared to the resistance training and endurance training groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it can be stated that obesity prevents the development of brown adipose tissue and its use in the treatment of metabolic diseases by reducing non-vibrational heat generation in adipose tissue. While various resistance, endurance and intense periodic exercises. as an effective method in increasing brown fat tissue and with a positive effect on the intracellular factors that increase lipolysis, can be considered as useful exercises in the field of fat reduction and as a result, health promotion
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical Sciences / Sports Medicine
Received: 2024/05/6 | Accepted: 2024/07/11 | Published: 2024/08/31

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