Showing 9 results for Aerobic Exercise
Susan Shahin Jahromy, Asieh Abbassi Daloii, Alireza Barari, Ayoub Saeidi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2020)
Introduction: Obesity and cardiovascular disease are among the leading causes of mortality in the world. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of aerobic training on some antioxidant and cardiac oxidative stress in male rats with two types of normal and cholesterol-rich diet.
Materials and Methods: 40 male Wistar rats randomly divided into four groups of normal-control, normal-exercise, cholesterol-rich and cholesterol-exercises. The training groups performed 12 weeks (5 days a week) of endurance training. Prior to the beginning of the training period, the cholesterol-rich diet group rats were fed this diet for three months to induce hyperlipidemia and dietary intervention was administered until the end of the training period. 48 hours after the last training session, they were killed and then their heart tissues were separated and the experiments were performed.
Results: Between groups analyses indicated a significant difference between groups consuming cholesterol and normal foods in the MDA (P = 0.001), TAC (P = 0.004) and glutathione (P = 0.013).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that moderate-intensity aerobic activity improved oxidative stress indices and increased TAC in the hearts of mice with normal and high cholesterol diet. |
Sadegh Abdollahi, Khalid Mohamadzadeh Salamat, Kamal Azizbeigi, Zaher Etemad,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2020)
Introduction: Deep heated oils produce toxins which endanger people's health. Octopamine as an antioxidant supplement and aerobic exercise as a practical method can also improve health. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 4 weeks of aerobic and octapamine training on the amount of malondialdehyde and caspase 3 in the brown adipose tissue of male rats fed with deep heated oils.
Materials and Methods: In one experimental trial of 40 male Wistar rats after four weeks being feed with heated oil in five groups of 8, were selected as a statistical sample and randomly divided into groups: control-poisoning, exercise-poisoning, supplement-poisoning, Supplement-Exercise-Poisoning and Control-Health were divided. The 4 week training program, with 50 to 65 percent vo2max intensity on the treadmill, was three sessions a week for 20 minutes. Octopamine was used as a supplement for 4 weeks and 5 days a week using a dose of 81 μmol / kg as an intraperitoneal injection. ELISA Assay and Caspase 3 IHC immunohistochemistry were used to evaluate malondialdehyde
Results: Due to deep-poisoned oil poisoning, the concentration of malondialdehyde increased significantly (p<0.001). Exercise significantly reduced the concentration of malondialdehyde (p<0.001). Ectapamine supplementation also reduced the concentration of malondialdehyde (p<0.001). The interaction of octapamine training and supplementation was also significant and decreased malondialdehyde concentration (p<0.05). Aerobic exercise had a significant effect on Caspase 3 concentration (p<0.001). Intake of octopamine supplementation also had a significant effect on Caspase 3 concentration (p<0.001). The interaction of aerobic exercise and octopamine also significantly reduced caspase 3 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise and octopamine reduce the destructive effects of deeply heated oils. Octopamine as an antioxidant and aerobic exercise as an important factor maintains the structure and function of brown adipose tissue. |
Maryam Nasiri, Asieh Abbassi Daloii, Alireza Barari, Ayoub Saeidi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2020)
Introduction: Metabolic disorders induced by inactivity and malnutrition cause many problems in the heart tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks aerobic exercise on some selected inflammatory markers in cardiac tissue of male Wistar rats with two types of normal and cholesterol-rich diet.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 male Wistar rats randomly divided into four groups of normal-control, normal-exercise, cholesterol-rich, cholesterol- The exercises were divided. The training groups performed 12 weeks (5 days a week) of endurance training and the control groups were kept in a cage for 12 weeks with no exercise. Prior to the beginning of the training period, the cholesterol-rich diet group rats were fed this diet for three months to induce hyperlipidemia and dietary intervention was administered until the end of the training period. 48 hours after the last training session, they were killed after nocturnal fasting and then their blood and tissue samples were collected and measured. |
Results: Between groups analyses showed significant differences between different groups MCP-1 (p<0.001), IL-6 (p<0.001), TNF- α (P≤0.05) and CK (p<0.001), LDH (p<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results of the study, moderate intensity aerobic exercise may improve cardiac function and inflammatory markers in individuals with normal and high cholesterol diet or even prevent cardiac tissue injury.
Hamid Ahmadi, Mohsen Ghanbarzadeh, Roohalah Rangbar, Masood Nikbakht,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Introduction: Obesity, sedentary, and vitamin D deficiency are closely linked to diabetes. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of eight weeks of aerobic exercise on plasma levels of vitamin D and glycemic control indicators in type 2 diabetic patients. |
Materials and Methods: From among males with type 2 diabetes, 24 patients with mean age (49.5±0.81 years) and BMI (29.6±1.3 kg/m
2) were randomly divided into two groups including aerobic exercise (n=12) and control (12 people). The aerobic exercise program was performed for eight weeks with an intensity of 50 to 75% of the heart rate reserve. Levels of vitamin D, HbA1c, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity and beta cell function were measured in the pretest and posttest. Dependent t-test and analysis of covariance were used for intragroup and intergroup comparison and Pearson correlation test was used for the measurement of variables relationship.
Results: The results showed that the percentage of HbA1c, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance in the aerobic exercise group had a significant decrease compared to the control group (p<0.05), However, vitamin D levels, insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in the aerobic exercise group increased significantly compared to the control group (p<0.05). In addition, the results of Pearson correlation test showed a significant relationship between vitamin D levels and glycemic control indicators in the aerobic exercise group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that aerobic exercise is an effective strategy to improve glycemic control indicator in type 2 diabetic patients. This supportive effect is probably related to the development of plasma levels of vitamin D.
Mahboobeh Kazemi, Maghsoud Peeri, Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2021)
Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in today's society, the main causes of which are a sedentary lifestyle and the use of high-fat and unbalanced diets. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 4 weeks of aerobic exercise with octapamine supplementation on NLRP-3 gene expression and TRK-β protein synthesis in the heart muscle of rats fed with deep-fried oil.
Materials and Methods: 30 male Wistar rats weighing 200-250 were randomly divided into 5 groups of 6: health control (CO), deep-fried oil (I), deep-fried oil + aerobic exercise (H), deep-fried oil + octapamine, supplementation (B), and deep-fried oil + octapamine supplementation + aerobic exercise (C). During the research period, 10 ml/kg deep-fried oil was given to the rats via gavage for 4 weeks. 81 mol/kg octapamine was intraperitoneally injected to the supplement groups. The rats in the exercise group also went through moderate intensity training in the first week (50% vo2max) and last week (65% vo2max) with treadmill. One way analysis of variance was used to analyze the data and Bonferroni test was used to determine the difference, using Graph pad prism version 8.
Results: NLRP-3 gene expression was significantly reduced in the exercise group compared to the control group who did not receive any supplements and exercise (p<0.05). Octapamine supplementation also decreased NLRP-3 (p<0.05). The combination of exercise and supplementation significantly reduced NLRP-3 gene expression compared with the control group (p<0.05). Changes in the amount of TRK-β protein in the exercise group did not show a significant difference compared to the control group that did not receive any supplements and exercise (p>0.05). In the group that also received octapamine supplementation, compared to the control group, TRK-β values did not change and did not show a significant difference (p>0.05). Combining exercise and supplementation significantly increased TRK-β gene expression compared to the exercise group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise training with octapamine supplementation may reduce the destructive effects of deep-heated oils on the expression of the gene associated with myocardial degradation and improve remodeling in myocytes. |
Abdol Kheder Keshtvarz, Maghsoud Peeri, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2022)
Introduction: Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Portulaca oleracea, on the other hand, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise and aqueous extract of portulaca oleracea on gene expression of factors involved in apoptosis in rats with colon cancer.
Materials and Methods: In an experimental study, 30 male Sprague-Dawley rats were selected as subjects and randomly divided into 5 groups including healthy control group, tumor-induction control, colon tumor and aerobic exercise, colon tumor and portulaca oleracea seed extract. Colon tumor + aerobic exercise and portulaca oleracea extract were divided. 10 mg azoxethane per kg body weight was used to cause colon cancer. Groups receiving portulaca oleracea extract received 75 mg of aqueous extract of portulaca oleracea intraperitoneally. The aerobic exercise program consisted of eight weeks and five weekly sessions of running on a treadmill for 60 minutes. Forty-eight hours after the last training session, the mice were sacrificed and colon tissue was immediately removed from the body to measure gene expression. The amount of genes was analyzed using two-way analysis of variance.
Results: Aerobic exercise, portulaca oleracea extract and the combination of these two interventions significantly increased the expression of BAX (p <0.001) genes, BAX to BCL-2 ratio (p <0.001), Caspase-3 (p <0.001) and decreased BCL-2 (p <0.001). No significant difference was observed between the effect of aerobic exercise and portulaca oleracea seed extract.
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise and aqueous extract of portulaca oleracea may control and improve the symptoms of colon cancer. Therefore, it is recommended that these two interventions be an effective method to inhibit the growth of colon cancer. |
Seyedeh Somayeh Samaie, Ali Asghar Ravasi, Sirous Choobineh, Maryam Delfan,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2022)
Introduction: Aerobic exercise with probiotic supplementation improves the antioxidant capacity in the left ventricle of diabetic patients by regulating gene expression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an aerobic exercise training with complementary probiotic supplementation on the gene expression of SIRT-1 and FNDC-5 in the left ventricle of streptozotocin-induced diabetic male rats.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental research, 30 diabetic male laboratory rats were divided into five groups of six including, non-diabetic control (NC), diabetic control (DC), diabetic supplement (DS), diabetic training (DT), diabetic training supplement (DTS). Diabetes was induced in all groups except for non-diabetic control group by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at a dose of 60 mg per kilogram of body weight after 12 hours of overnight fasting. Real-time PCR technique was used to evaluate the gene expression of the SIRT-1and FNDC-5 and the comparison of groups was used by One way ANOVA at the alpha level of 0.05.
Results: SIRT-1 gene expression in DT and DTS groups compared to DC group, (p<0.001) and (p<0.01) respectively, and FNDC-5 gene expression in DT and DTS groups compared to DC group (p<0.05) and (p<0.001) significantly increased
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise combined with probiotic supplementation can possibly increase the antioxidant defense and improve diabetic cardiomyopathy by affecting the regulation of FNDC-5 gene expression in the left ventricle of diabetic rats. |
Neda Taherizadeh, Farshad Ghazakian, Hossein Shirvani, Mandana Gholami, Hossein Abednatanzi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)
Introduction: Exercise is one of the recommended factors to reduce mortality from all types of cancer, especially brain cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the expression of Paxillin and PTK2 genes in the brain tissue of rats with glioblastoma multiforme after aerobic exercise training.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats were divided into three groups (n=8): Healthy control, brain tumor, and tumor + aerobic training (AT). Glioblastoma was injected into frontal cortex of rats' brain. The exercise group performed aerobic exercises on the treadmill for four weeks and three days per week at a speed of 18 meters per minute for 25 to 40 minutes. At the end, the rats were sacrificed and Paxillin and PTK2 genes of their brain tissue were analyzed by Real-time PCR method. Histological images with H&E method were also used to confirm the tumor.
Results: The tumor group showed increased necrosis and brain tissue damage compared to the healthy control group. In addition, the tumor group showed a significant increase in the expression of Paxillin and PTK2 genes compared to the healthy control group (p<0.001). This was while doing aerobic exercise in animals with brain tumor caused a significant decrease in Paxillin and PTK2 compared to the tumor group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Performing aerobic exercise in animals with brain tumors can reduce tumor cell strength by reducing the expression of Paxillin and PTK2 genes (effective in the extracellular matrix). However, more studies are needed in this field.
Sajjad Asghari Vostakolaei, Saqqa Farajtabar Behrestaq, Babisan Askari,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2023)
Introduction: Mitochondrial collapse caused by oxidative stress is one of the important factors of insulin resistance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and berberine chloride on the indices of mitochondrial regeneration and biogenesis of visceral adipose tissue in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Materials and Methods: 32 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (n=8): diabetes (DM), diabetes-berberine (BDM), diabetes-aerobic exercise (TDM), diabetes-aerobic exercise-berberine (TBDM). Diabetes was induced by STZ injection in male rats. Berberine chloride (30 mg/kg/day) was administered orally by gavage once a day. The exercise groups performed an incremental aerobic exercise program (10-18 m/min, 10-40 min/day, and five days/week) on a treadmill for six weeks. Gene expression levels of SIRT1 and AMPK factors in visceral adipose tissue were measured using Real time-PCR method. Data analysis was conducted using one-way analysis of variance and if significant, Tukey's post hoc test was used at a significance level of p<0.05.
Results: Data analysis showed that there is a significant difference in the expression of SIRT1 (p<0.05) and AMPK (p<0.05) genes among the groups. Furthermore, the results showed that the expression of SIRT1 gene in the diabetes-exercise group (p<0.05) and diabetes-exercise-berberine chloride (p<0.05) had a significant increase compared to the diabetes group. Berberine chloride alone could not significantly increase SIRT1 gene expression compared to the diabetic group (p>0.05). Also, the expression of AMPK gene in diabetes-exercise (p<0.05), diabetes-berberine chloride (p<0.05) and diabetes-exercise-berberine chloride (p<0.05) groups had a significant increase compared to the diabetes group.
Conclusion: Based on the above findings, it is possible that the simultaneous effect of exercise and berberine chloride could inhibit oxidative stress and inflammation caused by diabetes through the AMPK-SIRT1-PPARγ pathway.